Ler História 36/1999


Maria Norberta Amorim
The Minho: demographic behaviours through parochial sources

José Viriato Capela
A regional development program of Illustration in the Minho

José Manuel Lopes Cordeiro
Economic effects of the napoleonic invasions in Northwest of Portugal

Jorge Fernandes Alves
A nebula to Northwest - the cotton industry

Maria de Fátima Sá and Melo Ferreira

Banditism and policy in the High-Minho

António Medeiros
(Mis)understandings in Soajo

José Manuel Pérez García
On the edge of traditional agrarian virtuosity: the fertility in Low-Minho (1730-1860)

Vítor Manuel Migués
Surplus' income and commercialisation in a Galician incoming institution: the stately home of Sao Fiz (18th-19th centuries)

Elias Torres Feijó
Portuguese historians and philologist as legitimise of gualeguista system (1880-1891)
