Ler História 51 / 2006

Dossier: Civil Wars

Fátima Sá e Melo Ferreira e Fernanda Rollo

Jordi Canal
Civil War and Counter-Revolution in Spain and the Southern Europe on XIX Century

António Monteiro Cardoso
The guerrilla conducted by the miguelistas in the Algarve in the civil war of 1832-34 contexts

Manuel Pérez Ledesma
The Spanish Civil War and the Historians: Agreement was not possible

Manuel Loff
Memory of the Spanish Civil War in Portugal through the Portuguese historiography


Eliana Almeida de Souza Rezende
«Ventres urbanos» – Cities and sanitary discourse

Gladys Sabina Ribeiro
Travels and stories of Portuguese immigrants in the city of Rio de Janeiro in the First Republic: the trajectory of Florindo Gomes Bolsinha

Daniel Melo
«Beiras and homeland»: Beirão regionalism and its relations with the state and the civil society during the twentieth century

Documents in Study

António José Pereira da Costa
Raul Brandão: captain of infantry, convinced Republican



Ler História 51 / 2006

Jordi Canal
Civil War and Counter-Revolution in Spain and the Southern Europe on XIX Century

The “Civil War” denomination had usually been given –along the Spanish history- to the exclusive period of conflict of 1936-1939. However, Spain was suffering the effects of a large civil war, discontinuous but persistently, in the most of the XIX century. Carlist wars were the main expression of those conflicts within Spain. Any interpretation of a Spanish XIX century that emphasize the fratricidal component about the confrontation, doesn’t mean a kind of positive or negative valuation about the past. Neither turns it to exceptional. Spain shares with South Europe countries –Portugal, Spain, France, Italy-, the characteristic of having suffered in the XIX century, an important civil war, whose structure was around the axis of revolution-counter-revolution.


António Monteiro Cardoso
The guerrilla conducted by the miguelistas in the Algarve in the civil war of 1832-34 contexts

The guerrilla warfare conducted by the miguelistas in the Algarve constitutes a surprising phenomenon due to its long duration. The contradictions between those living in the mountains and those by the coast were a decisive factor, creating two opposing blocks, in a vast confronting area. A strong feeling of identity between the populations of the mountain range and a leadership capable of mobilizing them allowed the emergence of an important social movement, once the circumstances of civil war offered a favourable opportunity. This study demonstrates the need of studying civil wars in their diversity: the different civil wars that compose the Civil War.


Manuel Pérez Ledesma
The Spanish Civil War and the Historians: Agreement was not possible

The article examines the different interpretations of the Spanish Civil War, from the beginning of the conflict until today. In 1936-39, and during the dictatorship, there were two conflicting views: for the Francoists, it was the fight between Spain and Anti-Spain, and for the Republicans between the military and the people. After the transition to democracy, the historians were near to an agreement about the multiplicity of the causes and the universal responsibilities for the war. But in recent years a new confrontation has begun with the Neo-Francoist interpretations blaming the left for the outbreak of the conflict.


Manuel Loff
Memory of the Spanish Civil War in Portugal through the Portuguese historiography

Memory of the Spanish War has a special symbolic role in Europe’s memory of the 20th century’ Portugal is no exception. The conflict played a central role in Salazar’s regime political definition consolidation, in its international setting through a particularly tense stage of the international relations, and brought to Portuguese society very harsh social and political consequences, opening the hardest repressive period of the dictatorship, from which opposition movements were victims, together with, and in a very cruel way, communities living near to the Spanish border, their attitude divides between their fear of repression and their human solidarity towards Spanish Republican refugees seeking in Portugal for protection from the brutal revenge of the Francoists. To this day, Spanish War memory plays an instrumental role in Portuguese and international political and ideological debate.


Eliana Almeida de Souza Rezende
«Ventres urbanos» – Cities and sanitary discourse

This article starts with the analysis of two different photo collections considered as documentary sets linked by thematic connections. The article doesn’t intend to be the summation or the segmentation of the different photos by the agency which produced them but a dissertation about the city, where each photo dialogues with others produced on the same theme. The axis of this dialogue among images is the hygienic discourse seeks to contribute to one of the many ways of regarding the city.


Gladys Sabina Ribeiro
Travels and stories of Portuguese immigrants in the city of Rio de Janeiro in the First Republic: the trajectory of Florindo Gomes Bolsinha

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Portuguese were much in evidence in Rio de Janeiro. In 1906 they made up a fifth of the population and half the active work force in the city. Rivalry in the labour market certainly stimulated anti-Portuguese sentiment, which showed itself in various ways, in day-to-day life. Slinging matches were the least of it: bloody brawls often occurred. By means of the story of a Portuguese immigrant who came to try his luck and struggled to survive in Brazil, these clashes are analysed. It will be shown that Portuguese immigrants adopted the work ethic as a survival strategy. At the same time they reinforced the idea of the brotherhood of Portuguese and Brazilians. Thus there was a mutual tendency to xenophobia and stereotyping: anti-Portuguese prejudice was counterbalanced by racial discrimination against Negroes and their descendants.


Daniel Melo
«Beiras and homeland»: Beirão regionalism and its relations with the state and the civil society during the twentieth century

This article proposes a reflection on the Portuguese regional association movement during the twentieth century, by focusing in a case study (the Casa das Beiras of Lisbon) and its conjunction with the specific academic literature, both about regional voluntary associations and the more generic subject of regionalism. I will analyse the historical context of its irruption and the subsequent evolution, its institutional relationships with the several political regimes and the remaining civil society, and the type of socio-cultural projects promoted by this movement. This study also intends to stress the crossing and the ways of dissemination of political-ideological and socio-cultural references; therefore, it will be clear for all the place given to the promotion of a plural cultural identity by this part of the civil society, mainly over an historical period of strong adverse official politics as it was during the Portuguese New State.
