Ler História 56 / 2009

Dossier: Emigration and Immigration


Miriam Halpern Pereira
Emigration to Brazil and the geo-strategy of Euro-American development

José Carlos Marques
And they go on leaving: Portuguese contemporary migrations

Victor Pereira
Inefficiency, fragilization and duplicity. Governing ways in the old Estado Novo

Cláudia Castelo
Overseas migration: contradictions and constraints

Marcelo Borges
Transatlantic migration patterns and destiny choices in South Portugal

Bela Feldman-Bianco
A Taste of Portugal: Transmigration, cultural politics and marketing of «saudade» in neoliberal times


Maria Ioannis Baganha, José Carlos Marques e Pedro Góis
Immigrants in Portugal: a historical synthesis

Fernando Luís Machado
Forty years of African immigration: a balance

Igor J. de Renó Machado
Brazilian immigration in the turning of the twentieth-century: exotization processes in Oporto, Portugal

Maria Manuela Mendes
Russian and Ukrainian immigrants in Lisbon Metropolitan Area: “social portraits”

Donald Warrin
Portuguese immigrants in California. An oral history project


Collection 'Kings of Portugal' in debate


Ler História 56 / 2009

Miriam Halpern Pereira
Emigration to Brazil and the geo-strategy of Euro-American development

Many local and regional studies have contributed these last years to bring about a more complete understanding of different questions not covered by national sources. Yet another dimension should be considered. Migration movements are integrated in a global process and their interactions are not yet well known. This global dimension is often forgotten as well as their insertion in the geo-strategy of intercontinental development. In this context, duly analyzed in this text, three main questions are set forth: the reason of the chronology of emigration towards the Americas, the dominance of European origin and the emigration networks.


José Carlos Marques
And they go on leaving: Portuguese contemporary migrations

The present article tries to analyse the migratory flows that developed after the announced ‘end of Portuguese emigration’. It is argued that despite a political discourse and a research practice that, due to different motives, tended to manifest a clear disinterest in the outflow of Portuguese nationals, this remains an important option for thousands of Portuguese that regard emigration as a valid and attractive option to overcome the constraints they face in the national labour market. In the prosecution of this objective, recent Portuguese emigration to Switzerland – one of the main migratory flows that developed after the mid 80’s - is used to illustrate the ongoing emigration flows.


Victor Pereira
Inefficiency, fragilization and duplicity. Governing ways in the old Estado Novo

Between 1960 and 1968, the Portuguese government managed modernization, economic growth and trade openness to Europe in an ambiguous way. This processes that profoundly transformed the society have not been politically accepted. This contradiction is obvious regardind the emigration policy. Although emigration was linked to the modernization process, the government has never liberalized the departures, in order to please the conservative wing, hostile to the emigration. However, Portuguese left the country clandestinely. The clandestine trips did not result of the state’s failure but were a solution that had been used by the government to conciliate two incompatible requirements.


Cláudia Castelo
Overseas migration: contradictions and constraints

This paper analyses the Portuguese State politics towards the overseas migration for Angola and Mozambique, since the last quarter of XIX century until the eves of the decolonisation (1974). The evolution of that politics is analysed with the politics of emigration and the politics of colonisation. Finally, one presents the general picture of the migratory flow and one brief demographic and social characterization of the migrants that settled in those colonies after World War II.


Marcelo Borges
Transatlantic migration patterns and destiny choices in South Portugal

This article combines regional and local perspectives to analyze the factors that influenced the selection of destinations among transatlantic migrants from the Algarve, in southern Portugal. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the majority of Algarvian migrants left for Argentina. However, a closer look at the intra-regional variations reveals a more complex pattern. The article makes a comparison among the migration flows to Argentina, Brazil, and the United States. The Algarvian case shows that migrants’ choice of destination was influenced by a combination of micro and macro factors, including sociodemographic characteristics, local origin, social and occupational networks, labor markets, and migration policies. The combination of these factors produced distinctive flows of transatlantic migration.


Bela Feldman-Bianco
A Taste of Portugal: Transmigration, cultural politics and marketing of «saudade» in neoliberal times

This essay, I discern the changing location of the Portuguese as an ethnic group and the marketing of saudade as “A Taste of Portugal” in New Bedford, MA – a town known as the “capital of the Portuguese in America”. My analysis takes into account the restructuring of global capitalism, the decline of the local economy, the retrenchment of Portuguese transmigration and ongoing neo-liberal policies. I examine the relations between the restructuring of the global economy and migrants´ transnational mobilization, including the impacts of the remodeling of the Portuguese nation and its transnational practices on this American south coast region.


M. Ioannis Baganha
Immigrants in Portugal: a historical synthesis

The text describes the evolution of immigration in Portugal, since of the process of decolonization to our days. For analytical purposes this period was divided in three sub-periods. The migratory movements of the first period are attributed to the process of decolonization and the need to clarafy national belongins; the second is attributed to our entrance for the EEC, that motivated the attribution to Portugal of large amounts of structural funds of cohesion and opened our economy to the exterior; the third and last period is attributed to the favorable economic conjuncture that the country went through and to the model of development adoptee. To each of these periods correspond immigrant populations with different national origins and different demographic and sociocultural profiles.


Fernando Luís Machado
Forty years of African immigration: a balance

After the characterization of African immigration in terms of volume, evolution and phases, we analyze the socio-demographic, socio-professional, socio-cultural and identity dynamics associated to the process of sedentarization of the African immigrants. In a sociological perspective and resorting to empirical data of several sources, attention is paid to aspects like the formation of a third generation, the aging, the emigration for other European countries, the social mobility, the mixed marriages, the linguistic socialization and the acquisition of Portuguese nationality


Igor José de Renó Machado
Brazilian immigration in the turning of the twentieth-century: exotization processes in Oporto, Portugal

This article intends to describe identity processes produced by Brazilian immigrants in Oporto, Portugal, at the end of century XX, considering these immigrants’ insertion in the Portuguese society as mediated by the production of images on the Brazilians and by the delimitation of certain work spaces for them. The work is based on fieldwork experiences occurred in 1998 and 2000.


Maria Manuela Mendes
Russian and Ukrainian immigrants in Lisbon Metropolitan Area: “social portraits”

Based on a thorough qualitative study and interviews, this study presents a brief portrait of Russian and Ukrainian immigrants settled in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (2003-2005), with a particular focus on basic social characteristics of these immigrants, their present family, and also their relatives back home. This study analyses these immigrants’ professional and residential trajectories, as well as the most significant changes in their family groups while in the host country. On one hand, it highlights references to the past, namely significant events immediately prior to leaving their home countries, especially in regards to personal, family, professional and educational issues of the interviewees. On the other hand, it draws attention to their personal and family motivations as a migratory group. Clear differences arose not only between both groups interviewed, but also and more strongly within the Ukrainian themselves, which relate to the political and military history of their place of origin, and with geographic, religious, language, ethnical and political issues.
