Ler História 59 / December 2010
Republics: culture and practices
Maria João Vaz e Frédéric Vidal
National Models
Florencia Peyrou e Manuel Perez Ledesma
The dream of the Republic Spain of the nineteenth-century (1840-1868)
Maurizio Ridolfi
«Long live the Portuguese republic!» Models of governance and movement
of Republican ideas in pre-fascist Italy
Américo Freire
Leadership and localism in the First Brazilian Republic
Hamit Bozarslan
The Kemalist Republic in Turkey, 1923-1938
Cultures and forms of politicization
Irene Vaquinhas
Dangers of female reading. From the forbidden to the recommended books
(nineteenth and twentieth centuries)
Daniel Alves
Between shop and politics: Lisbon’s small merchants and Republicanism
David Luna de Carvalho
The meaning of collective actions of traditional repertoire in the First Republic
Annarita Gori
Feast of the Motherland: Nun’Álvares Pereira, hero and saint
Valentine Zuber
Republican laity in France or the paradoxes of an historical process of laicization
(eighteenth to twenty-fi rst centuries)
Programs and actions
Joaquim Pintassilgo
Education project of Republicanism: the Portuguese case in a comparative
Maria da Conceição Neto
Slavery in its colonial condition: fi ghting slavery, establishing «indigenousness»
João Freire
Navy and Republic
Maria da Conceição Tiago
Social housing in First Republic
Documents in Study
Ler História 59 / December 2010
The dream of the Republic Spain of the nineteenth-century (1840-1868)
Florencia Peyrou e Manuel Pérez Ledesma
The first Republican groups have emerged in Spain in 1840. They had a growing popular support and a considerable weight in the historical dynamics of this period that led to the Revolution of 1868. Despite the success of these groups in the spread of attitudes, values and democratic practices, they failed to establish a Republic in Spain. This essay describes the origins, evolution and the discourses of Spanish Republicans sectors of the middle decades of the nineteenth century and analyzes the debates they have established with other Liberal groups about the republic, especially in the Constituent Parliament of 1869.
«Long live the Portuguese republic!» Models of governance and movement
of Republican ideas in pre-fascist Italy
Maurizio Ridolfi
The echoes of the Portuguese revolution of October 1910 were signifi cant in Italy in the opinion press and political groups of the Democratic world-Republican. In this essay, a comparative approach on Portugal and Italy is developed around the different «fates» of the Republican Democratic alternative. The comparative perspective points out the common factors that produced the crisis of the Liberal political systems in the period preceding the World War I. Comparative history of republics and Republicanisms, about the nature and the crisis of Liberal Democratic political systems, is extended to the Latin American world, balancing between radical democratization, authoritarianism and military dictatorship.
Leadership and localism in the First Brazilian Republic
Américo Freire
Through an approach based on micro-analysis and focused on the study of individual paths, this essay is aimed to discuss issues related to the phenomenon of localism in the First Brazilian Republic (1889-1930).
The Kemalist Republic in Turkey, 1923-1938
Hamit Bozarslan
This essay examines the Ottoman debates about Republic in the nineteenth century and highlights the breathlessness of the monarchy between 1908 and 1922. It also analyzes the evolution of the Kemalist republic between 1923 and 1938. The term republic is taken here as synonymous of the Kemalist power, because both are mixed in discourse and practice. Finally, setting aside 303 a long period of three quarters of a century, the article examines the struggle between two camps, which for convenience are defi ned as «Republican» and «Democrats» in nowadays Turkey.
Dangers of female reading. From the forbidden to the recommended books
(nineteenth and twentieth centuries)
Irene Vaquinhas
The Author covers the evolution of the authorized and recommended reading for women, as well as the prohibited reading over a signifi cant part of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The dynamisms found are pointed out as well as the continuities in both the Constitutional Monarchy in the First Republic, and eventually in the Estado Novo. Regardless of the involving political regime, the Author notes the continuing condemnation of the sentimental novels, outlining, however, dynamics and signifi cant differences in terms of principles and practices.
Between shop and politics: Lisbon’s small merchants and Republicanism
Daniel Alves
The Author examines the role of Lisbon’s shopkeepers in the political and social situation of the final period of the monarchy, a social group where Republicans had ensured a good representation. Developing the issue of the link between small business and Republicanism, a detailed analysis is made on the social and political discourse of Lisbon’s shopkeepers, their class interests, electoral participation and political relationship with the fi nal phase of Monarchy. It was a way to the Republic that began to be shaped in the early 1890s, being established in the fi rst decade of the twentieth century.
The meaning of collective actions of traditional repertoire in the First Republic
David Luna de Carvalho
The Author examines the popular resistance to the laicization of the State and public life on the mainland, Madeira and the Azores between 1910 and 1917. He defi nes the existence of fi ve types of collective actions of traditional repertoire according to their motivations: actions in the political-religious sphere; medical and sanitarian; education and schools; political and military; and fi nally, economic and social. Even in cases of collective action in economic and social grounds, there is strong evidence that they crossed with motives from the political-religious.
Feast of the Motherland: Nun’Álvares Pereira, hero and saint
AnnaRita Gori
The Author discusses the complex myth arisen around Nun’Álvares Pereira, which gets relevance after World War I, the sanctifi cation of Joan of Arc and the fear of Jacobinism caused by the First Republic in Portugal. This character was understood both as a patriot and a saint, a duplicity that generated agreement, disagreement and changes of policies towards the celebration of his memory. Nun’Álvares Pereira appears as a mythologized character that represents the ideals of patriotism, mysticism and Messianism in the name of which it has been established a civic holiday that also suffered changes throughout its existence.
Republican laity in France or the paradoxes of an historical process of laicization
(eighteenth to twenty-fi rst centuries)
Valentine Zuber
French laity is the result of a historical process that makes it a possible way of secularization in modern societies. With the increasing plurality of beliefs and the relativity of values in the broader context of contemporary globalization, the French secularism fi nds new challenges in the traditional territories for action: the school and public sphere. This essay starts presenting the history of this particular process of secularization in France since French Revolution to 305 the present, ending with a thematic analysis of the new challenges of French secularism and the debates it generates in nowadays society.
Education project of Republicanism: the Portuguese case in a comparative
Joaquim Pintassilgo
Education was understood by Republicanism, like it happened in the French Third Republic, as a central element of the regeneration project of the Portuguese society. After the political revolution, it became necessary to establish a genuine cultural revolution. To the schools, particularly ground school, it was assigned the purpose of educating the citizens needed to preserve the young Republic. That points out the importance of laity as much as patriotism which sought to generate a new consensus. Among the strategies used by republicanism, moral and civic education at school, civic festivities or military education must be emphasized.
Slavery in its colonial condition: fi ghting slavery, establishing «indigenousness»
Maria da Conceição Neto
In Angola, Republic inherited and developed the fi nal phase of colonial projects of Monarchy. Paiva Couceiro and Norton de Matos, so distant in Portuguese politics, shared their vision of colonial governance. Republic completed military conquest and turned most of colony’s population into «indigenous» under a legal status of discrimination. But the new regime shook colonial society, from top to bottom, fi ghting some slavery practices and abuse in manpower recruitment and working conditions. The advent of the Republic also created expectations for social progress, political independence and racial equality, which soon gave way to frustration, protest and repression.
Navy and Republic
João Freire
Based on research of press and bibliographic fi les, here is a presentation of a summary of action of Portuguese Navy during the parliamentary Republic (1910-26), extending to the last years of the Monarchy and the early days of the Dictatorship. The sailors’ revolts of 1906 and 1936 are the extreme chronological milestones of this analysis, which also studies the participation of Navy officers in the State top bodies.
Social housing in First Republic
Maria Conceição Tiago
This essay presents the first initiatives of central government in the area of social housing. The initial project was launched in 1918 under the Ministry of Commerce, in a moment there was a huge shortage of housing, with hygiene and sanitary conditions, for the lower classes. In 1919, the planning of housing estates, according to a more progressive model, is due to the Labor Ministry. Ajuda /Boa-Hora and Arco do Cego neighborhoods, in Lisbon, were the only ones, among the neighborhoods then started, to be officially opened by the central government but already after 1926.