Ler História 62 / December 2012
Dossier: Interdisciplinarity in action. Research experiences in rural contexts
Dulce Freire e Victor Pereira
Dulce Simões
Memories of the Spanish Civil War in "Barrancos"
Inês Fonseca
"Aivados" / "Baixa da Banheira" / The Slum Movement: an ethnographic approach
Marta Silva
Networks of illegal emmigration in "Penedono" (1960-1974)
Álvaro Garrido
Assistance and welfare at the portuguese sea. The social welfare action of the "Casa dos Pescadores" (1933-1968)
Virgínia Baptista
Women participation in the mutualistic movement – from the end of the Monarchy to the "Estado Novo"
Rui Duarte
The development of the military conspirative process in Guinea-Bissau until April 24, 1974
Antonio Moliner Prada
The memory of the Constitution of Cadiz in Spain of 19th century
Deivy Carneiro
Gender relations and verbal violence in "Juiz de Fora" (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Mirror Clio
Eric J. Hobsbawm: 1917-2012
Miriam Halpern Pereira, Fátima Sá e Melo Ferreira, Carlos Maurício e Maria Fernanda Rollo.
Remembering the student's unrest of 1962
José Medeiros Ferreira, Isabel do Carmo e Octávio Quintela
Ler História 62 / December 2012
Assistance and welfare at the Portuguese sea. The social welfare action of the «Casas dos Pescadores» (1933-1968)
Álvaro Garrido
Supported by an authoritarian political order and defining corporatism as the official state ideology, the regime of Salazar approached the «social question». Despite the modesty, social benefits allocated under the so-called corporate welfare are defined. Warning for the methodological precautions that require this historical issue, the article examines a particular corporative organism established for the maritime workers, set in corporate welfare law as «welfare institutions»: the «Casas dos Pescadores».
Keywords: «Estado Novo»; Corporatism; Welfare, «Casas dos Pescadores».
Women participation in the mutualistic movement – from the end of the Monarchy to the «Estado Novo»
Virginia Baptista
From the end of the 19th century to the «Estado Novo», women participated in the mutualistic movement and, as this study confirms, they had a rominent role in Lisbon's common people and workers' neighbourhoods. However, in harmony with that time's spirit, women were discriminated in their active participation in mutual associations, which integrated both women and men, and only a few of those associations singled out women's workers and mothers' condition. Hence the foundation of women-only associations, as it is analysed in this article.
Keywords: Mutualism; Women, Discrimination; Risks arrangements.
The development of the military conspirative process in Guinea-Bissau until April 25, 1974
Rui Filipe de Brito Camacho Duarte
April 25, 1974 – Portugal awoke in a military coup, after a long period of dictatorship, which began on May 28, 1926 and fossilized in the form of the «Estado Novo». The military insurgents decided to seize power in order to change the governing force paradigm, which persisted in dragging a war overseas without apparent end. This article is the result of an investigation that sought to ascertain how various movements of military protesters and later conspiratorial, developed in Guinea-Bissau, whose actions contributed to overthrow the metropolitan government.
Keywords: Decolonization; Guinea-Bissau; The 25 April coup; Armed Forces Movement
The memory of the Constitution of Cadiz in Spain of the 19th century
Antonio Moliner Prada
The proclamation of the Cadiz Constitution of 1812 is a major milestone of Modern and Contemporary History of Spain. It introduces innovative and modern political principles, for the time even revolutionary. «The Pepa», name by which it was known, became the legal instrument for the construction of a liberal state and a reference in the process of Spanish modern nation building. The Constitution of Cadiz guided the liberal Spanish in exile and it was the flag of liberalism in 1820. Their mark is the Constitution Processes of 1837, 1856, 1869, and, in part, 1931. Despite its failure, after 1814, the memory of the Constitution of Cadiz became the symbol of freedom for the Spanish of all times.
Keywords: Cadiz Constitution of 1812; Spain; Liberalism.
Gender relations and verbal violence in Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Deivy Ferreira Carneiro
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the honor of women and gender relations in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, between the years 1854 and 1941. We researched 294 criminal cases of libel and slander open between the ye- 227 ars mentioned above in order to understand how the female sexual reputation served as a way of interaction and regulation of community relations. We observed that in most cases the offenses were directed against breaches of social norms practiced by women who were therefore reminded of the social role that was due them in the community in which they lived.
Keywords: Crime, Women, Gender Relations; Verbal Violence.