Ler História 67 / 2014
"Transformações culturais no pós 25 de Abril de 1974
Frédéric Vidal, Marcos Cardão
José Filipe Costa
Towards the south highway. Foreigners and nationals circulating in Torre Bela's
Marcos Cardão
"Pois Claro!" Music, polítics and desire in the RTP Portuguese Song Festival (1975 - 1982)
Luís Trindade
The Judgment of Se7e. A cultural history of Se7e magazine (1978-1982)
Ana Bigotte Vieira
In the ALEPH - Notes about a research on Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
ACARTE Service (1984-1989)
Jorun Poettering
Reflections on the competitiveness of Jewish-Portuguese commercial networks
in the 17
Ivo Coser
The concept of Party in the Brazilian political debate 1820-1920: continuities
and ruptures
Gabriel Ribeiro
Whyte minority, anti-portugueseness and colonial heritage
Ivo Veiga
The 5
Division of the General Staff General of the Armed Forces in Portuguese
revolutionary process. Models, support and antagonisms
On Debate
Guya Accornero
O «25 de Abril»: uma revolução nas ciências sociais
Sónia Vespeira de Almeida.
O 25 de Abril na Antropologia portuguesa 40 anos depois: trajecto das invisibilidades e visibilidades
José Alberto Tavim
Peter Mazur, The New Christians of Spanish Naples, 1528-1671: A Fragile Elite, Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
André Fernandes
Miguel Suárez Bosa, Atlantic Ports and the First Globalisation, c.1857-1929, Cambrige Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series (col.), Palgrave MacMillan, 2014
Célia Reis
John M. Mackenzie, European Empires and the People: Popular responses to imperialism in France, Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Italy, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2011
Eduarda Rovisco
Dulce Simões, Frontera y Guerra Civil Española: Dominación, Resistencia y Usos de la Memoria, Badajoz, Diputación Provincial de Badajoz, 2013
Virgínia Baptista
Visitation. The archive: Memory
and Promise
Ler História 67 / 2014
Towards the south highway. Foreigners and nationals circulating in Torre Bela's
José Filipe Costa
Foreigners and nationals, locals and city folks, rural workers and intellec-
tuals participated in the occupation of Torre Bela's estate in 1975, in Ribatejo.
It was not only the international film crew headed by German director Thomas
Harlan that induced the events flow, while filming there the documentary
(1975). The intersections between those who came from the «exterior»
and the occupiers living nearby Torre Bela, helped to question class and gen-
der categorizations and generated experiences of social displacement. In this
article, I will trace some exemplary cases that can be understand inside the
frame of what Kristin Ross called political experiments of
cinema, cultural practices, PREC, Torre Bela.
«Pois Claro!» Music, politics and desire in the RTP Portuguese Song Festival
Marcos Cardão
Popular music has played a significant role in contemporary Portuguese
history, leaving its mark, for instance, in the musical passwords that led to
the Carnation Revolution. Assuming that the representations and discourses
associated with popular music are significant from a historical point of view,
this article aims to examine how the Portuguese Song Festival reflected, nar-
rated and transformed the Portuguese political and cultural situation after the
Carnation Revolution. The objective is to interpret a set of themes, from the
poetic, sonorous and performative point of view, that were symptomatic of the
political and cultural changes that took place in Portugal in the transition from
the 1970s to the early 80s.
popular music, mass culture, nationalism, cultural transfor-
The Judgment of Se7e. A cultural history of Se7e magazine (1978-1982)
Luís Trindade This article narrates the role played by
, a cultural magazine pub-
lished in 1978, as both a response to social transformations and the emer-
gence of urban audiences in Portugal, on the one hand, and a critique of
those same transformations, on the other. Through its weekly editions from
1978 to 1982, one can confirm the crisis experienced by the most politicized
cultural forms and the increasing hegemony of the audiovisual, and of televi-
sion in particular. Meanwhile, the magazine also worked as a document, and
a form of promotion, to the birth of new cultural forms and subjects.
: popular culture, cultural distinction, television, cultural jour-
In the ALEPH - Notes about a research on Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
ACARTE Service (1984-1989)
Ana Bigotte Vieira
This text brings together a set of notes connected to a research on the
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation ACARTE Service (1984-1989). This fragmen-
tary text analysis different visions of the idea of future, and seeks to open new
chronological fields on April Revolution. Using the image of Aleph from Jorge
Luis Borges, it seeks to understand museum activities, events, and emerging
sociability, through the concepts of heterotopia and exhibitionary complex. Keywords:
museum, modern, Gulbenkian Foundadtion, 1980's.
Reflections on the competitiveness of Jewish-Portuguese commercial networks in the 17th century
Jorun Poettering
The trade networks of the Portuguese Jews are usually considered to have
been particularly extensive, dynamic and successful. Because of their com-
mon ethnic and religious background Portuguese Jews and New Christians
are supposed to have shared a special commitment and solidarity towards
each other benefiting their business. However, there are several arguments to
challenge this assertion, indicating, on the contrary, that the Portuguese Jews
had to overcome much greater impediments than the Christian merchants
and that their trade networks were weaker.
Portuguese Jews,
commercial networks, Hamburg, ethnic
The concept of Party in the Brazilian political debate 1820-1920: continuities
and ruptures
Ivo Coser
Studying the political debate, this article analyses the concept of party
between 1820-1920. It discusses why party and faction were considered as
synonyms and analyses their distinction. It locates the distinction between
these two terms in the imperial period, pointing out the realization that parties
would be set in motion by national themes while factions would be motivated
by local interests. This article shows that such distinctions had been based
on a political system which would purify local and private interests. This dis-
tinction was cancelled in the first Republic when the parties were considered
gatherings united around personalities, without principles and aiming at pri-
vate interests
entourage, faction, Brazilian First Republic, Nation.
Whyte minority, anti-portugueseness and colonial heritage
The article analyses the centrality of colonial heritage in the insertion pro-
cess of the white European rooted minority in Mozambican society today. The
favourable attitudes of the black majority in relation to the white minority tend
to be paramount in common sense thinking than the unfavourable ones, with
the white minority being represented, in terms of race relations, as markedly
different from what it was in the colonial period. Another phenomenon that
it analyses is the anti-portugueseness, a symptom of the vulnerability of the
white minority in that mostly black post-colonial society.
Africa, colonization, Mozambique, racism.
The 5
Division of the General Staff General of the Armed Forces in Portuguese
revolutionary process. Models, support and antagonisms
Ivo Veiga
After the
of April 25
, 1974, the military emerged as a political
force that could determine the features of the new regime. This article is cen-
tred on the analysis of a military group, the 5th Division of the General Staff of
the Armed Forces, throughout the MFA Bulletin. It aims to clarify its political
project and has a specific concern with the activity of the political parties and
their agreement or disagreement with the positions publicized in the Bulletin.
The analysis takes into account the cycles of contention but it is mainly focu-
sed on discursive aspects. Keywords
: Contemporary Portugal, democratization, revolutionary si-
tuation, civil-military relations.